End of Year Celebration Day!
As a part of our end of term celebrations, Prep – Year 6 students are invited to attend an hour of water slides, pizza and an ice-block on Wednesday 6th December. Our celebration day is simply a fun activity for all students to participate in and is by no means compulsory. Students not participating will be offered an alternative activity supervised in classrooms. The cost of water slides, 2 slices of pizza and ice-block is $10.00 per student.
Your child/ren have been given a note regarding the activities this week. The note contains all information & requirements for the day as well as a Consent Form for parents/guardians to complete and return if you would like for your child/ren to participate in the event.
Please forward payment (a bpoint invoice has been emailed to all parents – this is our preferred method of payment) and the completed consent form to either junior or senior campus office by Thursday 30th November.
Please note - Activities are for MWSS Students Only.