Dear Parents/carers,
As a part of our end of term celebrations, Prep – Year 6 students are invited to attend an hour of water slides, pizza and an ice-block on Wednesday 7th December. Our celebration day is simply a fun activity for all students to participate in and is by no means compulsory. Students not participating will be offered an alternative activity supervised in classrooms. The cost of water slides, slice of pizza and ice-block is $7.00 per student.
Year levels will be allocated a time and will have access to seven water slides during their allocated time. During lunchtime, participating students will receive a piece of pizza and an ice-block at their eating area. Please indicate on the attached consent form if you child has any dietary requirements.
Excursion Details
Proposed Destination: END of YEAR CELEBRATION FUN DAY
Cost: $ 7.00
What to bring: Students will require (please ensure all clothing is named) :
Wet clothes – togs, board shorts
Rash shirt or old t shirt
Sunscreen (preferably applied at home). Additional sunscreen provided by school.
If further information is required please call the school on 4951 5111