Mackay West State School launched it's new PBL (Positive Behaviour For Learning) in 2015.
PBL does not come in a kit. It is a process of using data to put systems in place that will support both staff and students in promoting positive behaviour.
It acknowledges that not all children will come to school equipped with social skills that match the expectations of the school and that some students will require either secondary or tertiary interventions to support them in behaving appropriately. The SWPBS traiangle model (PDF, 23KB) illustrates this clearly.
Our school has four core expectations
Be safe, Be responsible, Be respectful and Be a learner
Instead of rules, our school has a set of positively stated expectations that are set out in a matrix.
The expectations are explicitly taught at the beginning of each school year and then revisited regularly throughout the year using a tell, show, practise approach. Regular social skilling is an important part of the curriculum and is imbedded in the curriculum at Mackay West State School.
What are the proven outcomes from using this approach?
The primary outcomes of having great expectations for all, explicit social skilling embedded in the weekly timetable, pre-correction, a formalised reward system and agreed process for managing behaviour are:
- Data trends will show a general reduction in behaviour incidences across the school
- A reduction in the number of major behaviour incidences
- Improved positive behaviour outcomes for students with disabilities.
- Parent satisfaction with student behaviour
Secondary outcomes are:
- Improved students’ perception of Schooling
- Improved Indigenous students’ perception of schooling
- Improved Indigenous parents’ perception of schooling
- Community confidence in the outcomes.
- Improved staff perception of school climate
Tertiary outcomes are:
- The philosophy of the behaviour and academic intervention model was used to restructure and reform the Mackay West Behaviour Policy. Evidence indicated the existing student withdrawal model achieved limited success.
- The introduction of an in-class intervention model, providing students with universal and secondary support by the class teacher is a more effective strategy for supporting children with learning needs, allowing us to differentiate instruction based on individual student needs.